friday dispatch v5.0

Hooray! It’s Friday! Again!

*The work done at Cloth of Gold warms my heart. But then again, creative collaboration is one of my favorite things.

*Go read This magazine, if you don’t feel like perusing the site carefully, I suggest reading this article.

*H-net is good for anyone with a computer interested in the social sciences.

*So is Sage Publications, loads of other nerdy soc sci reading. Thanks to Sage Journals online you can dork out on your desktop, especially useful if you are currently sitting at a desk with no work. Use those brain cells!

*If the thought of reading academic works makes your head hurt, go read about celebrities at Pink is the New Blog!

*Create a Favicon for your website. (No I haven’t made one yet…but one day….one day…)

*While I may not like big companies, I did enjoy learning about the history of the Tater Tot.

*Wash away the corporateness of that last site with a visit to the wonderful Microcosm Publishing.

*Ever since reading a recent post over at Sheep in the City, I can’t stop thinking about sushi cupcakes.

*43 Folders makes me happy. The post about writer’s block has been especially helpful recently!

Go listen to Airiel. Jeremy is rad.

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