What Makes You Happy.

Reading about the kindness of the Bea and Keith Krokes makes me happy.

His selection of television to watch when knitting for good is especially endearing: “Lawrence Welk, you don’t have to look up too much for that,” he says. But “This Old House” and “Antiques Roadshow” present more of a distraction.”

And speaking of knitting for good, I’m about to start working on a few scarves for a local drive that’s collecting scarves for Veteran’s Day for Knit Your Bit, an initiative of the National World War II Museum.

This weekend I’m going to compile a big ol’ list of knitting for good inspirations to have you thinking about whipping up a few donations sometime soon. My first scarf for Knit Your Bit is going to be done gray wool (exact yarn to be determined later today) with an off-center cable. What about you? Have any lovely wool kicking around that would make a cozy scarf?

Other things that have been making me happy lately:
*Zoo Atlanta Panda Cam: Enough said.
*Free Farm Stand: Agriculture Awesomeness
*What’s Writing Like for You?: Writers on Writing
*Metric’s album “Fantasies”: Best for summer driving!
*Craftig (Craft is Good): Social Networking for Crafters
*Not Your Grandma’s Needlepoint: Lovely not-so-normal needlepoint.

One thought on “What Makes You Happy.

  1. betsy, have you thought about a follow-up “sewing for good” book? I can’t knit anymore (long story, involves vomiting) and I know a lot of people who can’t knit at all. Surely the idea has come up – do you think it’ll ever happen?

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