Have you seen this article about the homeless shelter in Boston that uses crafts as a therapy? And the article opening to get you clicking over…

“I’m still working on my blanket,’’ the 46-year-old said, dressed in nightwear and sandals, opening a bag full of colored yarn. “Being stressed, depressed with being homeless on the streets, it helps with your mind.’’
For more on the work of the Barbara McInnis House, please see their website.
Some other recent crafty links you might like:
*Alabama weaver who took inspiration from a Colorado rodeo
*Incredible Lady Gaga petit point by Francesco Vezzoli (via Jafabrit)
*Lovely post from The Textile Blog on traditions of Navajo Spinning & Weaving
* CRAFT: post from Average Jane Crafter on Small Notebook’s 4 Generations Quilt
*Results of study show that women have better sense of touch than men (thereby making them better at embroidery?)
I loved this story and another example of the value of teaching arts and crafts in any setting, including this one.