Knitting Video (Pimping Natural Gas)

I wish my house suddenly transformed into the house in this video. I wouldn’t have to wear socks 24/7, my toys would look even cooler than they already do, and my radiator would be extra warm. This was forwarded on by a high school friend, thank you Facebook!

Some of my favorite lovely crafty/creative things of late:
*Caroline Hwang
*Dave Blumenkrantz
*Ink and Spindle
*Empower Playgrounds
*Bead For Life (Thanks Mary!)
*The Creative Lives (via Hwang’s blog)
*Blown glass with knitted wire by Emmy Gai Palmer

P.S. Need to find pattern for tiny lovely knitted alligator!

5 thoughts on “Knitting Video (Pimping Natural Gas)

  1. Thanks for the post. Sometimes it’s not so much about the position but the tone in which it’s reported, don’t you think? Love your insight! Awesome!

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