Singing. Creativity. Healing. Joy.

Sometimes you just need to sing. Especially songs you love. And I’m currently in love with this song. Its cheeriness reminds me of what the heart of creativity really is. Joy. Even if it’s using some not so pretty emotions, it’s gettin’ ’em out to the surface, which is, indeed, joy.

It took me a long time to learn that lesson. That healing is its own kind of joy, maybe not as fun to experience as actual ecstatic singing-outloud-and-petting-puppies-and-eating-ice-cream joy, but still, joy. The best part? As you keep going, keep making, the closer you get to singing, puppies and ice cream. Sometimes it’s a slow boat, but it’s a slow boat to healing, not hell. And I like that.

I also like singing and puppies and ice cream. One day I’ll be sitting in the sunshine doing all three at the same time. It will be awesome. You should join me.

Thank you, Allo Darlin’!

Super extra crafty bonus points for the kickass decoupage job on the cover.

The more observant of you may notice, “Hey, what’s up with this frequent posting?” Well, it’s pretty amazing what a little structure of 9-5 can do… Along with finally being able to sleep due to less financial worry. I had forgotten that sleep generally means sleeping consecutive hours, not random bits and bobs. Crazy, innit?