Charity Knitting, plus DIY Robot Knitting Machine!

First off, I wanted to share this sweet article and photo that I came across recently! And while they may not be making crafts with a Kevin Bacon motif, they are warming thousands of strangers in need with their mighty knitting power! So here’s a big shout out to the Westport Women’s Club of Westport, CT! Article excerpted below, you can read the whole thing by clicking here:

Westport’s Sue Mahar, the other co-founder, said the knitters produce hundreds of mittens hats, scarves and special items during the estimated 4,000 hours a year they keep at their charitable work. The bulk of knitting goes on while the women are watching television — or during down time while members are doing volunteer work at various posts in the community –[co-founder Gerry] Munce and Mahar said. “Knitting in front of the TV set makes television palatable,” Munce said.

Way to go ladies!

Secondly, robots! I think “DIY Robot Knitting Machine” are pretty much the four sweetest words ever put together.

Text from post over at Ubergizmo:

It’s often nice to give your friends and relatives a knitted sweater or something for Christmas, but most of us are just too lazy to knit something. Of course, the wonderful thing is that robots are fully capable of doing many things that we dislike, and that happens to include knitting. Someone out there decided to come up with a homemade robotic knitting machine. It’s made from old printer parts, two servos and a Picaxe-18x microcontroller. The machine isn’t the quietest thing around, but as long as we aren’t doing the knitting, we’re happy. Would you rather create this machine or spend a few bucks and buy the sweater at the mall?

*MACRO Uganda- Beads of Hope
*Interweave’s Knitting Daily’s new iPhone app!
*Historical Craftivism: Knit Your Bit over at Hello Craft
*Trespass: A History of Uncommon Art over at Brain Pickings