Thanks to the world of Twitter, I came across the amazing below (featuring the equally amazing work of Sjors Vervoort last night thanks to fellow DC dweller @MosesHawk (go check out his work over here)
Oh, and I’ve been woefully behind on keeping up to date here with craftivism-related links. No more, however, as there’s SO MUCH awesomeness out there to share with you!!
*Craftivism and Mobility
*Craftivism: Art With Attitude
*Juxtaposition and Craftivism
*Oya: Selbermachen- Aber wie
*Craftivism: Syjunta Med SMS-Broderi
*Craftivism for Feminists (And Mentalists)
*Fashion-able: Hacktivism and Engaged Fashion Design
*Craftivist Collective’s Report From Climate Rush Railway Adventure
*Craftivism: Making a Difference With Art (Plus, The Corsage Project!)
*Take Back the Knit: Urban Crafting Weaves “Women’s Work” Into Protest
*The Cult of Done Manifesto
*That Can Be My Next Tweet
*The Cult of Done Manifesto
*Avoid Idea Plateaus With a Plan
*What Lucky People Do Different
*Oconoplastic Fruit (Exploring the Relationship Between “Early Breast Cancer and the Oconoplastic Surgeon!!”>
I am very new to the idea of craftivism but from the little I know, it seems like such an exciting practice. I will definitely be checking all these links out!