How to Be Alone

I first discovered this video in 2010 thanks to a post on Elephant Journal. And I can’t remember a video making me happier to just simply be.

And as I recently re-discovered it, I realized that it was finding craft that finally made to uncover the facts that a) it’s okay to be alone and b) it’s okay to like being alone sometimes. Craft taught me that I don’t have to fear either the silence or the cacophony in my head when I’m working on stitch after stitch after stitch. I don’t have to even worry about the future, if I just keep stitching. Breathing. Living. Moving forward.

May you feel okay to be alone instead of fearing it, and enjoy dancing alone whether it’s at home by yourself with the curtains drawn or in a club or to a lovely song in the grocery store. Or stitching or walking or laughing or cooking or going to see a movie or all the other 10 million things you can do alone.

Performed by Tanya Davis, who you can learn more about here.
Directed by Andrea Dorfman, who you can learn more about here.

3 thoughts on “How to Be Alone

  1. Thank you for sharing this one. :-) Even tho’ I have a partner, I enjoy being alone, and look forward to the days he works and I don’t. I can do what I want. I have traveled alone, tho’ it has been years since I’ve done that. Being alone is not only okay . . . I think it is something everyone needs to experience, so you really get to know yourself.

  2. I came across this last year, when I did have a partner, and I loved it. Sent it onto many friends who I though would appreciate it it – single or otherwise. I love that she speaks so well to the solitude that everyone should have for quiet reflection and creativity.

  3. I remember seeing this for the first time too, it really is wonderful. What I like most is the honesty and openness. A rare gem.

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