Me, in 3-D, and the “New Domesticity”

Recently I had the opportunity to become an official “talking head” sociologist for a story on Voice of America about why “young” people are returning to domesticity.
Also, interviewed in the story is Emily Matchar of New Domesticity. As @thejaymo mentioned on Twitter the other day, this is, indeed, proof that I am a real 3-D human and not a typing robot.

Also, of note, there appears to be a university class on Craftivism at George Washington University, which oddly is a university in the same city in which I live. Welcome, students! I kind of want to meet you all for coffee and talk craftivism now.

P.S. The skirt I’m wearing in this piece was made by Zoe’s Lollipop.

P.P.S. I just enabled Disqus comments/reactions here, and it tells me that old comments made before today will show up on older posts. I hope so, otherwise, I’ll be looking mighty unpopular! :)