Sometimes I am lucky enough to be asked to do some wicked cool projects with some wicked cool people. Such is the case in being asked to participate in the first issue of OOMK zine. (In case you’re wondering, OOMK stands for One Of My Kind.) The issue below is about Fabric, and I was well chuffed to be asked to participate in such a lovely project.

Want more OOMK?

Go find them on Twitter at @oomkzine. Or go find them IRL at these stockists or buy this issue online here over at Magpile.

There’s also an excellent review (although you’ll see why I’m biased!) over on the New Statesman here.

P.S. Yes! We changed back to the old design! (Because it just makes me happy.)

One thought on “OOMK Zine

  1. Hello,

    I love the blog and the newsletter. I am a craftivist whose work is focused on the issue of ocean plastic pollution. I clean plastic and other debris off beaches and use crafts – knitting and wrapping – to tell the story of what I have done and bring attention to the growing amount of plastic in our seas. https://cleaningbeaches.wordpress.com/2012/09/30/art-imitates-life-sometime/

    I also work with others: we have made rubbish tipis on the beach, dyed underpants red to wear as superhero pants while we clean a beach, and used home-made quadrats to conduct citizen science-inspired investigations on a beach.

    I would love to write an entry for your book. I tried responding to the email newsletter but my email was not delivered. I would be very grateful if you could get in touch with me so I can tell you more.

    Clare Thomas.

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