I grew up in Charlotte, North Carolina and spent a good half hour every Christmas holiday with the bears above, watching them sing their songs at the mall. As this was in the early 80s, these bears were super cool because they were better than the band at Chuck E. Cheese.
I had the pleasure of finding them while with a friend’s 5 year old not too long ago and it was indeed a very happy reunion as they still sang all the same songs. In the same order.
The run-up to the holidays this year will be spent wrapping packages and trying to sell people pretty handmade things in a little local shop as opposed to mass-produced things. I’m trying to remind myself of the excitement like the bears above bring, not the freakout, what-the-heck-do-I-get-for-this-person excitement which is not as fun.
Am off to work again perfecting my package wrapping and bow placement, but wanted to quickly say thank you to Etsy for the wonderful Q & A they did with me!
Also, if you’re still trying to find a pretty calendar for 2009, check out this one that you can receive from Mibo when you sign up for the newsletter over here.
Betsy, Thanks so much for your generous words about the Condom Amulet project. It will also please the other knitters of patterns at http://www.KnitaCondomAmulet.com and the growing group at Ravelry.
We love getting positive feedback!
yours, naomi
You’re more than welcome, Naomi! You do so many good things, that deserve to be crowed about!
Thanks for letting me know about the website and Ravelry group, I will definitely check them out!