It’s that time again, time to whip up a scarf or hat for someone in need for SuperNaturale’s 8th annual holiday hat & scarf drive!
From the SuperNaturale website:

For the last seven years Glitter has created a winter hat and scarf drive. We donate these items to Sanctuary for Families. They are an awesome organization dedicated to the safety, healing, and self-sufficiency of battered women and their children. They offer an array of services including shelter, legal assistance, and counseling.
Please join our eighth annual scarf drive. Get your knitting needles and crochet hooks out and knit up some warm, washable hats and scarves to donate to people who need them. Send them in by December 10th, 2009 so we can get them to people in time for the holidays.
Mail to:
c/o Flat
391 Broadway, 3rd Fl
NY NY 10013
So mark yer calendars, whip out those needles and get to knitting!
Big thanks to Tiny Choices for reminding me this year!
amazing stuff thanx