What is Fair Trade Day, you ask? According to their website:
World Fair Trade Day is a global celebration of Fair Trade with events organized worldwide, on and around the second Saturday of May by members of the International Fair Trade Association across 70 countries. World Fair Trade Day 2009 is A Big Day for the Planet. It will focus the world’s attention on the significance of trading fairly with millions of producers, who also happen to be the custodians of our ecology. Poverty and climate change are inextricably linked, and Fair Trade has the potential to impact both. Conventional wisdom has got us where we are today. It’s time to change. If we don’t act, and act now, we cannot expect anyone else to act for us, or to create a world fit for our families to live in.
There are events happening all over the world tomorrow, and to see if there’s an event near you, you can check over here.No event near you? Already have plans for tomorrow?
Just try and make a point during the day tomorrow to learn more about fair trading. You can learn more at the following links:
Fair Trade Certified
Fair Trade Federation
Fair Trade Wikipedia entry
Fair Trade Resource Federation
Ten Thousand Villages
Already know everything about Fair Trade? Then go buy something fairly traded, okay?
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