No, this has absolutely NOTHING* to do with craft, activism or craftivism. It’s a little tale about a teddy bear, the seaside, Brighton, love and hope.
Lately every time I turn on the news I feel like this video. Which is pretty much summed up as “WTF. Seriously?” There’s too much sorrow, fear, death, blood, strife, anger, hatred, ego. It’s making me wish there was more front page coverage of Justin Bieber’s haircut or more pissy First World anger over TSA scans.
But, like the fluffy teddy bear in the last scene, I do what needs doing and carry on… hopeful, moving forward and when I’m lucky, I do so extra warm and cuddly-like.
And to the best that I can, I take that warmth and those cuddly notions out into the world around me, in the face of so much tragedy, a smile here, a hug there, a thank you. And so often it feels like so very little. And like the bear, I’m still raw, vulnerable and scared, but nonetheless, we carry on. In hope, in love, in peace.
May you carry on, too.
More Misery Bear here.
*Ok, not NOTHING. It’s a very well-crafted video by the people over at Roughcut Presents and Worm Hotel. That’s adorable. And features a teddy bear running down a beach. Yes!
I didn’t see the hope, it just made me cry :(
Oh no, Lauren! Making people cry is NOT my intention.
To me, seeing him get all wet and bedraggled and sad and THEN dry himself off and get out to start anew gives me hope. :)