Why craftivism?
Because we create to connect beyond ourselves. Whether it’s next door or across the globe. Craft and activism both take and inspire passion. When used as a joint force, they can quite possibly begin to slowly challenge and change things.
Why now?
Because as many of us are trying to figure out ‘What next?’ We are moving from our teens, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s and beyond and we are realizing that the act (and art) of crafting is more than a passing fad or childs’ play or a backlash to early-90s Riot Grrrl politics. Craft is a way of rejoicing, passing time, meditating, harnessing power, sharing and keeping creative forces in motion.
Because it is possible to go beyond banners, email petitions and chants as ways of fighting for a cause you believe in. You could have a knit-in, papier-mache puppets, teach a crafty class for kids- all ways of turning that energy into a more positive, more useful, force. Atrocities are happening in our front yards and on our televisions and we need to find ways to react against what is happening without either giving up or exploding.
This is less about mass action or more about realizing what you can do to makes things around you better.
Hey lady!
I make knitted hats for chemotherapy patients. It is a totally humbling thing to go into the cancer treatment center and hand over my hats. But it makes me feel good, like my crafts are helping someone.
I’m going to link to your site. This is such a wonderful idea! Good luck with it!
I got this email address from a friend. The message said we could get free directions for crocheting and knitting hats for chemo patients. Can you help me out in trying to find the direction. thanks so much.