Last week I took a little vacation down on the South Carolina shore with 40+ of my relatives, something we’ve been doing for the past 30 years. After recently finding both the perfect sunscreen and the perfect bathing suit, I went swimming in the ocean for the first time in years.
When I got out far enough to dive safely, I dove into an oncoming wave. Immediately that feeling of freedom and floating that I used to love as a child came rushing back as everything went quiet underwater even though the wave was crashing up above. I did somersaults and handstands and laughed outloud without really thinking about it, it was like I was on autopilot from 1985. There was nothing to do but immerse myself as the waves bellied out to the shore and lost their roar.
I’ve always been drawn to water no matter how vast its expanse. In Norwich, it was the Wensum. In London, it was the Thames. In Wilmington, it was the Atlantic. In New York, it was the Hudson. All of these bodies of water heard my deepest secrets, held my hand in sadness, showed me beauty when I felt lost, gave me energy when I felt weary. They all nurtured me and were my greatest confidants when I needed them most.
I have no idea why I took an almost decade-long absence from the sea, where in the broadest sense, all these old playmates converge as one. In just that one short dip in the Atlantic last week, I went back in time and remembered what it’s like to float buoyantly and stare up at the sun, letting the waves take you where they wish. It was some sort of homecoming, as I dipped and jumped and dove and swam and smiled, covered by my perfect sunscreen and wearing my perfect bathing suit.
* Knitting keeps you nimble
* The new Sigur Ros album
* The work of Kari Steihaug
* Knitting is good for your brain
* Learning about social surplus (via Murketing, thanks Rob!)
* The seemingly inevitable fear hits the inevitable Tracey Emin
* Reading Shreve Stockton’s archives of traveling solo across the US on a Vespa and current coyote adventure
ALSO: Dislike global warming? Like crafting? Want to combine the two? Go to 350.org and participate. Go for it.