As I’m currently in the process of applying for research programmes, PhDs and scholarships (at the last possible minute), it’s been a bit slow of late. I also no longer have email at my house, which means that I haven’t been answering my email for the past two weeks.
But I promise that soon enough I will reveal the ridiculousness that was my first ‘art’ (don’t call it ‘craft!’) piece, unleashed to the public March 18th. On a wall, not a scarf around someone’s neck.
If you’re feeling antsy about what’s currently inspiring to me in the world of craft, check out :
*Knitted Hyperbolic Space, A Gallery of Hyperbolic Models, and an article about crocheting the hyperbolic plane. (Many thanks to Maddie for the links!)
*the knerdy reading that is knitknit
*the ‘i wish i was born in the ’30s’ joy that is Designing Britain 1945-1975
*the amazing and inspiring work of Germaine Koh
*i heart Freddie Robins
*the happy quirkiness that is the work of Deirdre Nelson
And that’s (happily) only the beginning of what’s out there.