Online Fundraiser to Support Kathreen of Whip Up’s Children

Due to the holiday weekend, I’m a bit late to this, but the kind ladies at Mason-Dixon Knitting created an online fundraiser to raise money for the children of Kathreen Ricketson (of the fantastic blog Whip Up) and Robert Shugg, who both died in a tragic accident on the Australian coast recently.

They asked for everyone participating to link to their favorite Whip Up post, here’s a link to mine, a super oldie, but one that reminds me of how easy and lovely the crafty life can be: 30 of the best holiday buntings and garlands:

blogdelainine.bunting (Photo from Geninne)

Wanna show your support and love for Kathreen and Rob, and how much they meant to the craft world… along with helping to secure the educational future of their 2 children, Otilija and Orlando? Click on the link below and donate through PayPal:

I’ve just clicked the link and donated, I hope you will, too.

Craftivism and Donation

The other week I mentioned writing about the 3 –tions* of 1 –ism, the donation, beautification and notification. I’ve been thinking about donation a lot lately, as I’ve been a baby-hat-making-factory-of-one lately, as you can see in the photo below.

Therefore, I’m going to tackle the first -tion, donation. Initially, this was what craftivism was to me. Making and giving to others in need. Over time, what craftivism is has expanded, becoming more of an umbrella term. But, at the beginning, there was donation.


This is the quietest, most anonymous form of craftivism, as it’s something that you can do by making something at home and then dropping off what you made at a local hospital or charity or popping in the mail to one. Unlike the others actions, this one is quiet on purpose. There is no need to attach your name to it or your style even, it is a powerful act nonetheless, making for others.

One of the most important aspects of this action is not in the making itself, but in the planning to make. It’s to be mindful that you’re donating 1) where there is a need and 2) you’re donating what they’re asking for or at least something suitable for that need. I.e., what good is knitting something for the homeless if the item is made of yarn in a color that shows dirt easily or a design that’s likely to catch on things and stretch out? Or crocheting regular-sized infant hats for a charity that works with preemies? Or sewing mats for dogs out of a fabric that is handwash only?

Sometimes when charities request donations they will give guidelines on 1) exactly what they need, 2) how they need it to be labeled, and 3) what they need it to be made of. Sometimes they don’t, which may mean that before you donate, you call the organization and ask 1) if they’re taking donations and 2) what exactly form they need to be delivered in/mailed.

Crafters are a helpful lot and the minute any disaster happens, an inevitable effort starts up to help them. Most of the time, these efforts are done well and mindful of what the community needs and it goes off without a hitch. However, sometimes people are so interested in helping others that they start initiatives for causes that already have too many quilts, blankets, hats, etc. This can be quickly amended by asking first.

The efforts out there that people are making to fill gaps where needed is amazing! Chances are great that there is a charity somewhere that can benefit from what you like to make. It just may take a web search on where this charity is and how it can be reached and even a little retooling of what you make (adjustments to size, materials, etc.)

Ever make something that looks funny when you put it on? And you don’t have the heart to throw it out? This is not an excuse to give it to charity. With the exception of perhaps mats for dogs, the items that you donated may very well be cherished by their owners and something of value and pride. Therein, make sure that the work you put into the item is the same amount of work that you would put into making a garment for a loved one.

1. Donate what’s need to where it’s needed.

2. If your charity of choice doesn’t take what you’ve made/want to make, get to Googling, there’s always someone in need of your talents!

3. Donation does not equal cast offs. Just because you’re donating to a cause where your donation may be anonymous does not mean that quality should suffer.

*ETA: Spring 2015: I’ve switched from “-tions” to “tenets!”

Woman Knits Toys for Tots and to Ease Parkinson’s Symptoms

Sometimes you come across a video that just makes you smile. Sometimes you come across a video that makes you glad you’re a knitter. And sometimes you come across videos that make you do both. Such is the case of this video today, about Thelma Parkinson who not only knits toys to donate to kids in need, but also knits for the therapeutic benefits.


Thelma Parkinson has been knitting for fun for more than 80 years – but now her favourite hobby is keeping a debilitating disease at bay.

The Te Aroha 88-year-old was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease about three years ago and says knitting is the one thing that stops her from shaking.

“My son said to me one day, ‘Mum your head keeps shaking’ and I said ‘no it’s not’ and he said ‘it is Mum, you do it all the time’.”

”So I thought I better see the doctor and sure enough – Thelma Parkinson has Parkinson’s,” she laughed.

But while the disease is no laughing matter, Mrs Parkinson is thrilled that deserving children around the Waikato are reaping the rewards of her condition ”because for some reason knitting stops me from shaking,” she said.

Her doctor believes the relief from shaking comes from the focus required to knit.

”My brain is concentrating on the knitting so the symptoms seem to stop.”

That comes in handy when Mrs Parkinson wakes in the night from excessive shaking.

”I’ve been known to sit there in the dark and knit away quite happily until I fall asleep again – I’m pleased no-one comes in and sees me because they would probably think I’m daft,” she giggled.

The result is a virtual production line of expertly crafted children’s toys that are bagged up and taken to charities such as St John, Salvation Army, Child, Youth and Family and Adoption Services.

If you’d like to learn more about knitting and how it can help people with various conditions, go check out the wonderful website Stitchlinks.

Also, thanks to Crafty Magazine for this lovely interview they asked me to do recently. So very flattered!

Helsinki Cathedral Steps Covered In Quilts!

I love how the “world wide web” is indeed a web of fantastic discovery!

Via Pinterest, I discovered this photo below. Which led me to Googling, which led me to the immediate text following it by Toni Rexroat of Crochet Me, which led me to a article in Finnish about the project itself.


Afghans, as far as the eye can see, blanketed the concrete steps of a beautiful white church. I was intrigued and amazed by this photo when I saw it on Pinterest. Following the link brought me to a newspaper article with several more amazing pictures and a short story in Finnsih. I, unfortunately, can’t read Finnish. If you can, definitely check out the full article.

But I have never seen that many granny squares in one place! I had to know the story. The online translation software struggled with some of the words in the article, but I think I got the basic story.

The photographs were taken October 1, 2011 on the steps of the Helsinki Cathedral in the center of Helsinki Finland. It seems that the Martha Association and the Textile Teachers Association attempted to set a record and gather one thousand blankets which would be donated to the Federation of Mother and Child Homes and Shelters.

They met their goal and then immediately surpassed it by gathering 7,800 blankets. Three thousand eight hundred of these afghans were then spread across the steps of the Helsinki Cathedral and photographed.


Even if you don’t read Finnish, it’s well worth a click over to the original article to see more photos!

Wanna see some more craftivism over at Pinterest? Go check out my craftivism board and the craftivism boards of others!

Who What Where: Operation Sock Monkey

monkey Logo taglineOL 281x300

Who: Operation Sock Monkey

What: Making, Adopting, Sponsoring a Sock Monkey for a Child

Where: Everywhere

Operation Sock Monkey’s mission is:

Operation Sock Monkey is a volunteer-run initiative in support of humanitarian organizations that provide laughter, hope and healing to communities around the world affected by disease, disaster and social/political turmoil. Handmade Sock Monkeys can be purchased or sponsored to be sent to children in need of a smile.

Funky Monkey
You can go buy a monkey like this now!

How to Help: (text from here)
Donate a Monkey: Send us your sock monkeys and we’ll find them good homes. Monkey delegates are sent to live in communities in distress to help bring smiles to folks who need them. (You can learn how to make a sock monkey here!)

Adopt a Monkey: Buy an OSM Sock Monkey and we’ll donate the proceeds to Clowns Without Borders. We have a variety of sock animals for children of all ages. Visit the sock zoo.

Sponsor a Monkey: buy a sock monkey sponsorship and we’ll send a sock monkey to someone in need of a smile. You will receive a colorful sponsorship card that can be given as a gift. (Check out the Sponsorship Gallery here!

Buy OSM Treats: Specialty items like notecards, calendars and D-I-Y kits for making your own sock animals at home! All proceeds go to CWB, of course.

Donate to OSM: We’d be happy to accept donations for monkey supplies and shipping, but we also recommend donating to Clowns Without Borders directly by clicking here. (You can buy OSM treats here!)

Become an OSM Operative: Start up your own Operation to make and sell sock monkeys in your community to benefit CWB or the charity of your choice.

To find out more, check out the Operation Sock Monkey website (you can also find out how to hold a OSM workshop or party here) or visiting them on Twitter, @woollybananas.