QR-3D: Can Textile Versions of QR Codes Work?

One of the greatest things about being involved in the world of craft is the people you meet. Over the years, I’ve come to befriend two very talented crafters and thinkers, Sally Fort and Inga Hamilton, aka Rockpool Candy*. A few months ago, Sally got the idea that some project needed to be done… and invited Inga and I to brainstorm on just what this project was. After about a bazillion awesome emails where we traded thoughts and inspirations and ideas back and forth, we kept asking ourselves questions surrounding QR codes and textiles, mainly:

Can they (QR codes) be functional and direct people to places on the internet?

How can QR codes be created in textile form?

How can designers, crafters, makers, tinkerers, artists, coders and interested dabblers use textile QR codes to send viewers to interesting places?

How can an internationally and digitally collaborative project share ways of working and increase opportunities for exposure and networking?

And thus, QR-3D was born.

And asks for YOUR participation should you be obliged to join in this project with us! Some amazing codes have already been sent in, which you can see over here and here, over at the QR-3D pool at Flickr.

*Be sure to go read the Rockpool Candy post on how she made her QR code using codes from her and her husband, combining them to be a “matrimony code,” the end result being the headboard for their bed!! Holy heck it’s awesome.

P.S. Recently I asked to participate in an Artist Series over at Unconsumption. You can see my project here, where I used a Radical Cross Stitch tutorial on how to cross stitch on clothes to cross stitch Unconsumption’s logo Mr. Cart on to a t-shirt using a chart made by Cat Mazza’s knitPro!

Faça Você Mesmo en no Brazil* (DIY in Brazil!)

So happily I came across this post earlier today, which is an article I was interviewed for last year. This article is written by the incredibly lovely Brazilian journalist, Priscilla Santos, who interviewed me (along with Faythe Levine) for an article a few years ago for Vida Simples magazine. (Original article here and here.)

Translation for this article seems to come out pretty fair in Google Translate, which is great as it includes tutorials for:
Wallpapering with Xerox!
Building a fix-wheeled bike!
Making a mini guitar amplifier!
Making an invisible bookcase!

In case you haven’t checked out the DIY scene down in Brazil lately, there are some pretty amazing things going on down there! I especially recommend the work being done by Rede Nami and Anarkia (Panmela Castro), but know that there’s much more amazing work being done by others, too!

Plus, there’s a lovely article about the work of Rede Nami here. And more about the work of Anarkia here over at Culture is Your Weapon and here at Senses Lost.

[And somewhat unrelated to this, yet still related, while looking for links I also discovered the further awesome Brazilian projects Grupo Opni and Coletivo Briza!]

I first noted this over on Tumblr. Got a blog over there? Lemme know, so I can see what awesomeness you’re up to!

*”en Brazil” may not be the correct Portuguese. Feel free to correct me! THANKS, Luiza for correcting me! Awesome!

Agustina Woodgate.

Hello, new craft crush. She sews happy poetry into thrift store clothes. I think I love her.

For more of Agustina’s awesome work go here.

Also! On the righthand column of this page, you will now see a lovely little area at the top where you can sign up for the Craftivism Newsletter! Yeah! After wanting to do this for years, this is my birthday present to myself (I turn 36 in two weeks!), a little monthly love letter to craftivism.

I hope you’ll sign up, help spread the Craftivism Newsletter love and join me in these monthly celebrations of craftivism!

(This link was brought to attention by my friend @snufkin. Thanks for much for sharing it with me, Mary!)

Sjors Vervoort’s Cardboard Monsters, & a Roundup of Recent Craftivism Links

Thanks to the world of Twitter, I came across the amazing below (featuring the equally amazing work of Sjors Vervoort last night thanks to fellow DC dweller @MosesHawk (go check out his work over here)

Oh, and I’ve been woefully behind on keeping up to date here with craftivism-related links. No more, however, as there’s SO MUCH awesomeness out there to share with you!!

*Craftivism and Mobility
*Craftivism: Art With Attitude
*Juxtaposition and Craftivism
*Oya: Selbermachen- Aber wie
*Craftivism: Syjunta Med SMS-Broderi
*Craftivism for Feminists (And Mentalists)
*Fashion-able: Hacktivism and Engaged Fashion Design
*Craftivist Collective’s Report From Climate Rush Railway Adventure
*Craftivism: Making a Difference With Art (Plus, The Corsage Project!)
*Take Back the Knit: Urban Crafting Weaves “Women’s Work” Into Protest

*The Cult of Done Manifesto
*That Can Be My Next Tweet
*The Cult of Done Manifesto
*Avoid Idea Plateaus With a Plan
*What Lucky People Do Different
*Oconoplastic Fruit (Exploring the Relationship Between “Early Breast Cancer and the Oconoplastic Surgeon!!”

JR, Women, Strength, Our Own Two Little Hands

The trailer for JR’s Women are Heroes and his TED talk.

There are no words for the beauty, depth, perfect timing, honesty of this work. I dare you to tell me art (craft!) can’t change the world. I dare you.

Your hands, your two little hands, have more power than you may ever even know.

So, today, go challenge yourself. Go find out what changes you can make. For yourself, for your neighbors, for your friends, for the world.

Not sure where to take the first step? Go check out JR’s international (free!) project: Inside Out.