Artisans Helping Artisans! (Help Tanya Aguiniga Get to Chiapas!)

One of the coolest things about writing about craftivism has to be all the amazing events/projects/people I get introduced to! Faythe Levine sent me an email about an amazing project that her friend Tanya Aguiniga is currently doing. Tanya is trying raise $7,000 for this project, and could use your donation if you have some change to spare for crafters helping crafters. Here’s a little excerpt from the project’s website about what Tanya is doing with this new project called Artists Helping Artisans.

I am a furniture designer/maker looking to start a brand new artist collaborative, Artists Helping Artisans (AHA), which will focus on helping artisans in marginalized communities whose craft traditions or livelihoods are at risk. With the current economic crisis, and tourism dwindling, many of these craft communities are in dire need of help.

A large scale exhibition of my work is scheduled for Sept 2010 at MACLA, Movimiento de Arte y Cultura Latinoamericana, in San Jose during the Zero1 Biennial. MACLA has allowed me to use the exhibition to showcase (and kickstart) collaborative works with artisans—and for the first time in my art career, allow me to become a catalyst for social change through the creation of craft.

I have wanted to create collaborative works with artisans I met in Chiapas and Oaxaca since a trip in 2007. For the MACLA exhibition, I plan to spend June 2010 in the highlands of Chiapas working with Mayan women to collaboratively create new functional art pieces. Chiapas is a place whose struggle for indigenous cultural preservation has led to one of the richest artisanal traditions in Mexico, and for the same reasons, is one of the most economically repressed regions.

Also… Have you heard about the Conference of Creative Entrepreneurs happening in Seattle August 13-15? Along with an awesome schedule of events, they’ve also assembled a fantastic list of speakers! Although I’m biased, I think Susan Beal’s Craft Activism discussion will be brilliant!

[Photos above of Chiapas, where Tanya is proposing to do this work, from Flickr users skino and magnusvk, respectively.]

Help The Papered Parlour!

Right about now you are probably wondering what is The Papered Parlour?

About a year ago, I got a lovely email from Claire Heafford, a fellow Goldsmiths alum, telling me about a new space she was opening up in London. From her email:

The space is called The Papered Parlour and it’s now home to artists, designers, musicians and theatre practitioners. The venue comprises a cafe, an artist’s studio and a gallery space where we will be running craft classes, hosting performances and putting on exhibitions. It’s all based on a cooperative sharing model of artistic practice, and it’s deliberately located away from East London in attempt to dialogue with a non arts audience.

A few days ago, I got an email from Claire saying how The Papered Parlour currently has a 1 in 3 chance of winning £50,000 via The Barclay’s Business ‘Take One Small Step’ Competition! And how do they win this money!? Through votes, of course! Through one little clicky click over here in fact.

Not up for voting?* I have some links for you here:
“The Brazilian Etsy”
-Knitting in public hits Charlotte, North Carolina (my hometown!)
Kentucky yoga center moonlights as art studio for the disabled community
-Tsia quite rightly recommended this Reggie Watts video over at Supernaturale
Photos from Australia, knitting for the war (Thank you, State Library of S Wales!
The Papered Parlour video for the competition (last attempt to get your vote)


Transformer Gallery This Weekend!

Part of moving to a new city is discovering new places and people that make the move easier, more exciting and feel more sane. Many thanks to the awesome Kelly Rand for inviting me along and going with me amidst all the Hello Craft Summit of Awesome scheduling chaos! And, by the way, the schedule is, indeed, awesome.

Last night, I went to an event put on by DC’s Transformer Gallery, a panel on sustainability with Nancy Bannon, Bruce Dwyer, Ian MacKaye, Eve Mosher, Abigail Satinsky with moderator Jeff Hnilicka.

While the gallery has nothing to do with the cartoon pic above, I just wanted to reiterate the possibilities and growth that are embedded to the very word “transform.” And how it’s important to keep transforming in your work, because as we all know thanks to a giant toy company that shall not be named, there’s always “more than meets the eye.”*

This weekend Transformer has scheduled a lovely list of events that I wish I was able to go to! Just in case you’re able, I’ve copied and pasted the schedule (text directly from the Transformer site, I added individual links to provide more information) below.

Sustainability Lab back in action!

June 2 – 12, 2010

On June 2, Brooklyn-based cultural worker Jeff Hnilicka returns to DC to continue Sustainability Lab at Transformer. Having just participated in Empire Builder – an epic train voyage to Portland, OR during which over 30 participants created guerilla public programs for fellow travelers while en route to Open Engagement, an initiative of Portland State University’s Art and Social Practice MFA concentration – Jeff & Transformer invite DC audiences to participate in several new, interactive programs that continue to investigate emerging models of cultural production, the sustainability of these models, and their impact within communities.

Upcoming events include:
*Friday, June 4, 5 – 7pm: “Seeding the City” with Brooklyn-based artist Eve Mosher at Fathom Creative
*Saturday, June 5, 1 – 7pm: “A Day of Dischord,” featuring performances by Andalusians and the Aquarium
*Friday, June 11, 1, 3, & 5pm: “10 Dance Moves for Washington, DC – a dance lesson and travelogue”, and
*Saturday, June 12, 1 – 6pm: “Home Grown” – an afternoon of conversation, local foods, music, and art with Jeff Hnilicka and DC-based photographer Cynthia Connolly
Please click here to download a full schedule of Sustainability Lab activities in June.

All events are free, some require advance registration.

EXHIBITION HOURS: Wednesday – Saturday, 1 – 7pm & by appointment

So excited to see such great work being done in my new hometown! Now off to find work so I can stay here… the not sane part about moving to a big city. My grandmother still thinks I should join the Army. For real.

*Sorry I couldn’t help it. It had to be done.

More… About the Dream Rocket!

Back in September, I wrote about the Dream Rocket, an amazing project headed up by the equally amazing Jennifer Marsh! The idea behind the Dream Rocket is to cover a (real!) rocket with quilted panels made from around the world… facilitating our global wish for peace. The panels themselves, were a bit spendy for me right now, but now you can buy your own mini panel for the Dream Rocket for $25! That’s probably less than you spend on fancy coffee each month, or maybe even week!

How many times do you get to participate in making a 30,467 square foot cozy? How many times to you get to participate in quilting a rocket cover? Now, at long last, you can do both at the same time, therein checking 2 things off your to-do list simultaneously! Such devilishly smart multi-tasking would leave you the freedom to go on to your next task like build your own totem pole or something.

The Dream Rocket will be accepting payment for panels (full-size or mini) until March 15, 2010.

The photo up top is from 5″x7″ postcards they sell over here at the Dream Rocket store. They are lovely. [Hint: I’m sure it’s been a long time since you’ve written your gran, and they are pretty enough to go up on her fridge. Win win!]

Hello, 2010. Things That Make Me Go… Swoon.

Hey! It’s The New Year! Aren’t you excited? I am! This video of Swoon and her friends transforming the SPACE Gallery in Portland, Maine warms my heart for the new year.

It’s about collaborating with like-minded souls, working with people you love, making the “ugly” “beautiful,” creating something from nothing, and living your life holistically. If you’re thinking “I don’t have time to watch this,” then play the video and just listen to what they are saying.

It’s a clarion call to the fact that beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder, finding what makes your heart beat fast, revelling in creativity, loving your friends and discovering where your work overlaps theirs. Remembering that a good chunk of creating comes from love, in all its myriad forms.

(The film is by Budget Fabulous Films.)

What’s been making my heart beat faster lately:
*Just Seeds
*Orly Cogan
*Ghar Sita Mutu
*Dorie Millerson
*Embroidery as Art
*Where the Heart is
*Weaving Art Museum
*Beefranck’s Emporium
*SNIFF: public interactive projection
*Flickr: Diastema (tiny things made big)
*National Geographic Photo Gallery: Svalbard
*Sinead O’Connor: Mandinka (1989 Grammy’s)
*Communicatrix’s “The Boulder: a New Song for the New Year”

Oh, and hey there, Happy New Year!