About an hour ago, I found out that an acquaintance I met in London was hit by a motorbike yesterday and is in very serious condition. So I’m sitting here in my apartment, soaking up the sun that is filtering in the windows, feeling the sweet breeze of the ceiling fan above, feeling somewhat ill.
During my tumultous teens and early 20s, I lost so many friends and acquaintances that I became numb to most of them. What has struck me about this is not only the goodness that he possessed that will be greatly missed, but the way that information is passed along so quickly via the interweb.
How we structure friendships and networks of trust via words only using keyboards and jpgs. How much it has enriched my life as well as introduced me to so many amazingly kind people due to little more than a beautiful coincidence. My inbox is full of incredible stories, notes of kindness, reminders of strength and interspersed missives from people all over the world. While not only reminding me how the world is full of beauty, it also reminds me how people can touch our lives without really knowing it.
So, even though I don’t say it often enough, thank you.
Hey there, thought you’d enjoy thinking and reading about someone else thinking of craft as a movement.
Crafter Manifesto
My thought is that #1-12 are all very true to me.I love working with my hands, it feels more real to create as well as buy a hand-made product than to buy it from Target. And I am always inspired by other people’s work, their thought processes, and the love for what they do. In short, I rather love being crafty and a part of crafty (biz) communities. Of course, I’m preaching to the choir… =)