When I started craftivism.com so many years ago, I had no idea what I wanted it to be. In my wildest initial dreams, I would have loved for it to have been Craft Hope, that Jade Sims has so lovingly and amazingly created. A site that is a catalyst for mass action, but sometimes what we hope isn’t a) what we’re good at, b) what we’re meant to do, and c) where we’re needed.
Yesterday I received my copy of the new book, Craft Hope, on my doorstep, and it is so incredibly lovely and just, well, perfect! I am so honored to have been included as a designer in this book, along with some amazingly and incredibly talented people.** I whipped up some easy peasy fingerless gloves to donate for people who might want to do some mindless knitting for the greater good and just have a small bit of time and/or a small bit of wool.

Congratulations, Jade, on such a lovely book and for all the thousands of people you’ve aided along the way with donations from your Craft Hope projects! And thanks for filling the void that I thought I initially needed to fill, doing a mightier job than I ever could of done because it’s where you need to be.
Even though they don’t know who to thank, there are thousands of people out there with items obtained from Craft Hope projects (like the recent project collecting hand towels for the Institute of Marine Mammal Studies to help clean animals effected by the oil spill, over 65,000 items!) whose days you’re making brighter.
More info:
*Craft Hope over on Facebook
*Interview about the book with Jade over at Lark Crafts
*All month this month over at Craft Hope: Month of Hope! Giveaways! Links! More about my fellow designers!
*BOOK GIVEAWAY! I’ll have an extra copy of the book to give away, and am not sure what I’m going to do with it yet, as I’ve been working on other things than the blog the past few months… Give it away here? Donate it?
**Who are the other designers? They’re Stefani Austin, Ellie Beck, Amanda Carestio, Christina Carleton, Lisa Cox, Maya Donenfeld, Malka Dubrawsky, Molly Dunham, Celine Dupuy, Cathie Filian, Wendi Gratz, Jenny B. Harris, Vickie Howell, Rebecca Ittner, Rebeka Lambert, Kathy Mack, Kaari Meng, Manda McGrory, Jhoanna Monte, Aimee Ray, Eren Hays San Pedro, Amanda Blake Soule, Blair Stocker, Amanda Swan, Beth Sweet, Susan Wasinger, Dana Willard, Rebekah Williams and Geninne D. Zlatis!
As for what these designers made? That’s for you to discover in the book for yourself!
thanks so much for posting this! I know I’d heard of craft hope but it’s been a weird year so I had completely forgotten about it.
I’ve volunteered to co-lead a girl scout troop this year and I am definitely going to be getting this book from the library to look for service projects the girls can do (they’re very young, so it’s been hard!) I’ve bookmarked the site (although it’s not coming up for me right now) and I’m thrilled that I’ll have some stuff for them to do that really makes a difference (and isn’t just busywork).
So again, thanks!
thank you so much for your sweet words and friendship. you have inspired me to keep going with craft hope and i am eternally grateful for your vision. xo
So glad that you enjoyed it- I think it’s a *great* idea for Girl Scout groups! Esp since it’s about being service oriented and self-sufficient (well, able to light a fire yourself and identify scary spiders?) I think the Craft Hope site was down yesterday, but is back up now. Do let me know how it goes with the Girl Scouts! (Do you still have to wear a sash? And/or little tassel things on their socks? I hated those things!) Do let me know how it goes with the Girl Scouts!
Aw, shucks. Thanks! I’m just so glad the exact person who could do it best found a way to change the world so thoughtfully!
Looks like a wonderful book! Can’t wait to read it.
Yay! It’s so inspiring! :)