The only limitations I actually have regarding craftivism are related to profit: a) please don’t use “craft + activism = craftivism” on anything that you sell and b) please don’t use the term craftivism as a buzz word to make money. Everything else? Pretty much above board.
That being said, I want to say the following things, a sort of Craftivism 101, if you will:
* Craftivism is, in a way, open source per se, you don’t have to join a group or follow a group’s mantra/purpose/goal. (You can if you want, of course, but you don’t have to!) You can be a craftivist by yourself or with a friend or start your own group.
* Instead of putting your frustrations in how you’re not being a craftivist, put that energy into how you can be one. There are injustices everywhere, illnesses to help spread the word on, causes to promote, and a million and one things to protest.
* In short, stop asking and start making. I say this as a former whiner who asked, “How can I be like you?” to a bajillion different people when I first started out, to the point that my dignity was fairly (and probably) compromised. But things only started looking up when I shut up, started listening to my own voice, and got to making.
* Craftivism is about creating to make the world a better place.
* Through either mindful(l) responsible donation of items that they have made, targeted ethical beautification and/or kind-minded and hopeful notification, what craftivists make is a badge to their belief that there is power in the handmade, that what their hands make has strength, and that through their creations, they can/will open a space for dialogue.
* Through a seemingly simple act of making, craftivists can bring about change in the world, be it tiny or tremendous.
* Craftivists’ hands are their strength and their work is their voice and through them, craftivists help open the minds of others, giving them the permission and acceptance to create.
* In short, craftivists’ act of making becomes the change they wish to see in the world, it slowly (but surely) spreads the world that we, as individuals, still have the power to change things. It may be tiny change, but that tiny change could very well be the ripple that leads to even bigger change(s), bigger than you may even be able to believe.
Well, I am convinced and running for my needles. Beautifully written.
Rad! Thanks for the kind words, Rebecca, looking forward to hearing more about what you’re making! x
Thank you :)