I know what you’re thinking. Doilies = lame. Germs = gross. (Or awesome, depending.) But what about germs made into doilies?
Via Utne via Discover the work of my newest conceptual craft crush Laura Span is:
“Layers of stitches form delicate portraits of pathogens. The genetic material of the virus is depicted in the doily’s center, and viral surface proteins appear as protuberances around the edge. The discs retain the dainty grace of an antique armrest cover. Splan says she aims to inspire ‘beauty and horror, comfort and discomfort.'”
Cool, huh? Now, back up and look at the photos up above. In descending order, they are SARS, HIV, Herpes, and Influenza. Bet you never thought icky germs could look so pretty. Not only are they pretty to look at, but they also demonstrate how craft can melt into culture and current events and make you do a double-take. In that double-take, is a real chance to make people think… which is what it’s all about.
And in homage to the amazing Bea Arthur, who died last week… Behold! The Golden Girls in glitter!
P.S. I posted about this first over on Twitter, which has quickly become a bricolage of awesome craftiness and those random things you think about when in the shower.
these are gorgeous and I love the concept. I have to wonder if she was inspired by the works of Kiki Smith (I LOVE her work), some of which relates to anatomy and she relates doilies to female anatomical parts