ethnography is kooky

i’ve been making lots of notes lately.

here’s one of them:

i knit, therefore i am?

part of me thinks that my involvement in craft is partly due to a full-on embracement of the domestic. the only time i did crafty things was in Girl Scouts. i played a lot of sports growing up, even though i wasn’t very good. in fact, i pretty much SUCKED. i was a tomboy. for the next 15 years.

i got involved in punk rock and Riot Grrrl, but anger was never my strongpoint. i listened to a lot of records and drank a lot a beer and cried a lot til i was about 26.

then i started crafting. my hands started makingmakingmaking and my brain started processing all the pain it had been trying to ignore.

embracing the domestic while still being strong and outspoken makes me feel whole, in a way that sports or beer or tears never did. i’ve become a Girl Scout once again, by accident, only this time it’s my choice and i don’t have to wear a sash.

t-minus 7 days and counting until we’re back to our normally scheduled programme.

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