It’s amazing how much time flies by when you’re doing nothing but working on an ‘art piece’ and constantly having an internal dialogue with yourself regarding the whole ‘art vs. craft’ melee.
And it’s funny how when you start making things with your hands, you stop checking email, turn off the television, turn up the stereo, and start thinking more in images than in words.
This week has totally made me realise how my grandmother’s grandmother’s hands must have ached after having to make xx number of stockings/sweaters/socks in order to put food on the table. And how despite the fact that we are lucky enough to live in an age where clothing is provided for cheap and in close proximity, that there is nothing more rad than holding something you constructed with your own two hands- especially something that you could have bought at the local megamart.
And back to working…
Hello. I just found your blog. Awesome. I can relate to many of your ideas. I learned to knit when I was 8 and I have been crafty ever since, and when I have put down the needles, it may just be to join a rally or march. In this crazy world, it’s good to know that the desire to create, to rebel, to engage, is still alive.