I know what you’re thinking. ANOTHER video?
Well, I sought this out yesterday after a few bad days in a row. It is pretty much the best mood lifter I know. In the whole world. Not only does it make me laugh like nobody’s business, it also reminds me that we really do all have a different beat. We just gotta find it, embrace it, and rock it.
For those of you having a bad day (or days) out there, here’s a little gift from me to you. I’m also giving you a hug, but that doesn’t translate so well over the interwebs.
And to keep things (marginally) topical, a few craft links:
*Sweet list of embroidery patterns over at Indie Fixx
*Assam’s women weavers walk out of vulnerability with ex-supermodel
*“Shedding light on India’s invisible workforce:” Tales of SEWA (Self-Employed Women’s Association of India)
*Cooking up 5,000 pounds of mudbugs for charity (Ok, not technically craft, but his last name is Crochet!)