friday dispatch v4.0

Ok so the temp thing is not working out at the moment, so I’m still jobless. Although I’ve been dreaming about life back in the cubicle, and gone on weird part-time interviews, I’m going to have to step up the job search next week. In the meantime, however, here are some links to keep you awake in your own special 2’x3′ office space where you rule supreme:

*Quiet Resonance makes me happy.

*Go check out the goodness that is Lady Luck Rules OK– fashion goodies from London. In case you’ve been living in a cave, you’ll know that accessories are everything, m’dear.

*Toothpaste for Dinner is funny. Sometimes his little comics make me laugh out loud.

*Everyone could know more about Susan Sontag, RIP, who kicked ass.

*Art-for-a-change will make you think. In a good way.

*Whenever I read Mason-Dixon Knitting I get warm fuzzies about the south (grits! iced tea!)…and the north (snow! more snow!).

*Teva Durham creates really cool knitted things.

*And Ana Voog crochets the most amazing hats i’ve ever seen.

*Radical Graphics is way cooler than clipart.

*This guy is documenting everything in his house. I can’t decide if it’s genius or just weird.

Listening to Happy Supply always secretly makes me want to move to Chicago.