friday dispatch v7.0

Some weeks it seems like I just blink and it’s Friday already. And I’m still stuck in this jobless quagmire, daydreaming about full-time flaneury and Walter Benjamin while keeping my head in the real-world that is more than full of pointless and thankless jobs.

Happily, things are the job front are not as bleak as before, or maybe I’m just fooling myself. Regardless, here are the Friday links, v7.0:

*Das Erste Weiner Gemuseorchester is proof that what is in your vegetable bin might also produce some amazing music.

*Although I couldn’t get some of the videos to work, I was astounded by the wealth of information over at’s Riot Grrrl Retrospective!

*I am completely in love with the cuteness that is Jotto and can hardly believe no one has ever shown me this before.

*Ditto for Even though it hasn’t been updated in awhile, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t still loads of adorable monsters!

*While my love for Walter Benjamin, Mr. T and Roland Barthes is highly documented, I rarely express my blatant adoration for Alain De Botton, do I? His Consolations of Philosophy is one of my favorite books in the world. I still need to read Status Anxiety, though!

*If you’re melting in the heat, try making a few snowflakes.

*When you’re unemployed, nothing makes you feel more inadequate than celebrity gossip, which you can read a host of places, like The Bosh.

*Living stateside, I miss reading the paper version of The Guardian. Happily it’s online, and you can learn more than you ever wanted to know about globalisation here.

*You can plan your next road trip here from the comfort of your cubicle!

*Lots and lots of textiles links from the Textile Society including one right near my backyard!