HAND/EYE magazine just may be my new favorite thing. Design, Creativity, Beauty, Philanthropy. How am I only just now discovering this gem? Through the Twitterverse, where happily, they found me! Thank you technology!

HAND/EYE is an independent, international publication which explores the nexus between design and development, culture and commerce, art and craft, and environment and ethics. HAND/EYE’s goal is to engender intelligent debate among artisans, exporters, designers, artists, wholesalers and importers, retailers, and consumers so that all may make smart, ethical, and inspired decisions about their activities.
HAND/EYE articles will discuss design as a tool for development and income generation, as well as for environmental and social progress. The magazine will also discuss innovative and ethical retail practices as a force for more enlightened and informative consumerism, and will look at NGO programs addressing artisan income generation and community well being. We will showcase relevant new product for the consideration of retailers and consumers.
Through the work of accomplished photographers, we will also look at artisan life in a visual context. In interviews with inspiring creators and do-ers of all kinds, HAND/EYE will offer nourishing food for thought to all readers.
Proceeds from sales of HAND/EYE will be divided among several non-profit agencies working to address artisan issues.
While I’m well impressed by all of it, it must be said I’m especially in love with the textiles section. Thanks HAND/EYE for all the beautiful and informative and helpful work that you do!
Thanks for posting this!
What an eclectic and inspiring mix of topics and issues. Keep up the great work Hand/Eye!
Hi, I can’t understand how to add your site in my rss reader. Can you help me, please :)