Handmade Nation PDX Premiere!

So excited to be going to Portland in just a few days for the Handmade Nation Portland premiere! Yay!

Also excited to be on the CraftPerspectives panel* moderated by Museum of Contemporary Craft curator Namita WIggers.at 2pm on Saturday with old friends and new: Susan Beal (West Coast Crafty, Susanstars), Jill Bliss (Blissen), Kate Bingaman-Burt (Obsessive Consumption), Garth Johnson (Extreme Craft) and Faythe Levine (Handmade Nation)!

After spending the past three weeks either traveling or visiting people in hospitals, I’m looking forward to having some travel time for FUN and not for unexpected familial health stuff! Awesome!

*I agreed to do this a little late in the game, so I’m not listed on the site, but I’ll be there! I’m on there now! Yay!

2 thoughts on “Handmade Nation PDX Premiere!

  1. That’s looks like it will be awesome :) I hope the film comes to Ohio. Look forward to hearing how it goes.
    regards Corrine aka jafabrit

  2. I am so bummed I am going to miss all you crafty kiddies. I had tickets and everything, but silly family stuff is getting in the way. Have a blast and I’ll see you maybe if you ever make it down to LAla land.

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