I discovered this wonderful project from the brilliant Tumblr Project Craftivism.
What struck me most about the Project Craftivism post was the inclusion of Terry Quick’s statement that the uterus is “the room we all came from;” hence, it’s literally our first embrace and introduction to home.
So I clicked the pic, which led me to the following text and photo:
I am asking participants to be a part of The Uterus Flag Project. I discovered this need while doing my MFA- Feminism, Fiber Arts and Craftivism and for my final grad show, July 2012, I’d like to double (want 100 more). My personal political concerns are about the over medicalization of women, and specifically having an unnecessary hysterectomy. There are lots of other concerns regarding women’s health. You have a story, please share! Please participate. Send me your postal address, and I’ll send you a packet!
So if you feel like celebrating your first home, too, consider clicking on the second photo above and getting involved with Terry’s project.
And if you feel like further celebrating everyone’s first home and getting political while doing so, go check out the Snatchel Project over at Goverment-Free VJJ! This project comes from the brilliant talented Donna Druchunas and Annie Modesitt. The knitted womb below is by MK Carroll and is a pattern from Knitty.

Thank you for posting about the flags, Betsy. Interesting project, especially with the current War on Women.