Iran Election Protest Photos.

Not too long ago, I wrote how happy I was to see Afghan women out protesting a new marriage law. But…wait a minute, don’t I always talk about how crafting your protest is more poignant than yelling your protest? Well, I do think there is one reason to take to the streets…and that’s when your government doesn’t allow you to. (You can read more about that here. In those instances, getting out in the street and marching is vital to showing how unjust you think things are or how, you too, will not stand for such treatment. As for the violence that sometimes ensues? There’s no excuse for destruction.

Like many people, I have been captivated by the recent events in Iran. Although I know it’s another video, I also know that this one is really important to have a look at. It’s a collection of the photos from Iran over the past few days. While there’s music at the beginning, I think the video grows stronger towards the end when you’re forced to look at the chaos and anger and frustration in silence.

One of the most amazing things about these protests is that despite governmental crackdowns on journalists, people are using the web to get their voices heard. Check out the Twitter feed for the phrase “Iran election.” The photo below was taken from that feed. Incredible. Terrible. Sad. Hopeful. All in one.

One thought on “Iran Election Protest Photos.

  1. This is one of the pleasant surprises of browsing/surfing or whatever you want to call it. You can easily find something that matters or at least entertains.
    I want you to know that I appreciate this.

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