KnitRiot Knits ’em, Leaves ’em and Warms up the Needy

Below is a lovely little video about a Los Angeles group called KnitRiot who makes crafty items and leaves them for the needy to find and take. How wonderful is it to make something full of intent and care and love and then leave it for someone who needs it to take by placing it near a homeless shelter?! As you’ll also see in the video, they also placed a tree sweater on one lucky tree, placing various items to craft with for passersby to take… And most beautifully, when they returned to the tree, they found thank you letters for leaving craft supplies.

What a wonderful world, indeed.

[Apologies for the giant video, but there wasn’t a resizing option…]

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For more photos and information about KnitRiot, check their website:

Also, check out the LA Times article about them over here.

2 thoughts on “KnitRiot Knits ’em, Leaves ’em and Warms up the Needy

  1. Thank you for posting this, Betsy. :-) I love that their yarn bombings are a way of calling attention to problems AND do something to help. I keep looking at my stash, and think I need to knit some hats and scarves for the homeless population around here.

  2. Hi there

    I just found your website today and I’ve loved reading through your posts. I run a group called Stitches for Sisters which is an online group of crafty people who work on communal projects to send to women and children in developing countries.

    We’re just finishing up a 7 month long project making knitted patchwork blankets for the Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital in Ethiopia. We had over 2500 squares donated by over 200 people in 11 countries. We’ve also made scarves for an orphanage in India and we’re now working on book bags for an orphanage library in Cambodia.

    I love how so many people have become aware of global issues such as maternal heath and fistula injuries through working on craft projects.

    Craftivism combines my two real passions – social justice and craft.

    kind regards


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