The video below came in my weekly roundup of news from Elephant Journal. I think it’s made me love ladybugs even more than I already did. When I was a child, I used to squee in delight whenever I found a ladybug catching a ride on me, slowly pottering its way up my arm or down my leg or circling my wrist. If my mother was around, she would sing the nursery rhyme as we watched it go this way and that until we decided it was time for the ladybug to go along on its merry way. Then came time to pick it up gingerly and place it somewhere safely on the ground.
Now when a ladybugs hops a ride on me I no longer (audibly) squee, but still take a moment to watch it plodding along past freckles, moles and the occasional scar wondering where it’s off to on its grand adventure. Have you ever seen them en masse like this? Absolutely breathtaking. And yes, it, too, made me smile…and softly squee.
5D and EX1 Lady Bug Swarm from Michael Ramsey on Vimeo.
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