little tools, big message.

Craftivism. What a crazy, combined, silly little word.

However, it exists everywhere. The second you decide to make something instead of buying, the moment that you create your own patterns, the thought you had on the street one day about using your crafty skills to make the world a better place. In case you didn’t already know, craftivism is something that can be done on the comfort of your own couch or in public as a way to show your resistance.

If you are going to be in London June 6th, please consider joining my lovely friend Sonja as well as others for Make My Cross Count:


A note from Sonja:

Ever been to a cross stitching political demonstration?

Craftivists will be needling politicians outside Downing Street on Monday with a mass stitching of a MAKE MY CROSS COUNT slogan to stir up support for the Make My Vote Count campaign.

Electoral reform is a hot topic after this year’s worst election ever – we’ll be stitching to keep it in the public eye and under the politicians’ noses.

Did you know that:
a.. For every person who voted Labour, almost two voted for other parties and two didn’t vote at all?
b.. It took 26,877 votes to elect a Labour MP compared to 44,521 to elect a Conservative and 96,378 to elect a Lib Dem MP?
c.. In England, Labour polled 50,000 less votes than the Conservatives yet won 92 more seats?
d.. In Tony Blair’s 1997 manifesto he promised a referedum on a change to the voting system, which he hasn’t delivered?

Did you also know that cross stitching is fun? Please come and join in with crafters, activists, MPs and personalities.

Date: Monday 6th June (one month on from Labour’s win)
Time: 7pm-9pm
Place: Richmond Terrace, on Whitehall, opposite Downing Street
Contact: Sonja Todd :
More information:


One of the most marvelous by-products of combining craft with activism is the way that people interpret the concept’s hybridity as well as possibilities.

In my heart of hearts, I hope to open up my email tomorrow and have similiar invites to post up here regarding various crafty political events. But if not, that’s okay too, as long as you realise the power and the punch of just one single stitch made with change in mind.

p.s. hooray. it’s june!