Merry. Merry.

Today was going to be one of those days where I really crossed things off my to-do list. Then I was called last minute to work for someone who’s home sick.

This morning I got most of my list done as I rushed around town and dropped things off, picked things up, sat at the mechanics and wondered if my “holiday list” is ever going to get finished before Christmas.

So instead of writing about some lovely people who knit jumpers for chickens who’ve been in battery farms, I shall post this for now. It’s the story of one lucky chicken, although she’s not the only hen to be given the gift of the handmade this year:

The video is from a tiny little blurb in The Daily Telegraph. I can’t believe I’m just seeing chicken sweatery goodness now and not when it first came out, but it’s still wonderful nonetheless.

Oh, and if you are stressed out by the holidays, I wrote a few crafty holiday mantras and give you permission to relax over here.