
i can’t sleep tonight.

everytime i close my eyes i see this woman’s tear-stained face from today.

she was in her 80s, dressed to the nines, and as she stepped up to my till, she immediately said, ‘please get me a wheelchair i need to sit down. i thought i could make it but i wasn’t strong enough…’

i ran and got a wheelchair and after a second of her sitting, i looked down and she was crying, wiping her face with a crumpled tissue culled from her handbag. her eyes were the kind of blue you could get lost in.

my co-workers rang her up while i stood and talked to her about the busyness of holiday shopping. she spoke of how ‘everything was so expensive these days.’

once she was done i wheeled her out to her car, with her diligently directing me through the parking lot.

as she got in the car she asked my name, grabbed my hand and whispered the most heartfelt ‘thank you’ i’ve heard in ages. there was a wealth of kindness in those two words and in the way she held my hand.

and it’s these quiet little moments of kindness that should permeate our lives.


that’s what i’m wishing all of you this holiday season, an infinite amount of kindness.


One thought on “namaste.

  1. Betsy,

    I just read your Dec. 23rd entry. I was so touched by your concern for this elderly woman and how you took care of her. What a fine thing you’ve done. Every little moment of kindness adds to the bigger picture.
    blessings to you
    Mary Anne

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