Today I’ve been trying not to think too much about why Gawker Stalker really really bothers me, but it’s better than yesterday’s preoccupation which was from Frederick Engels’ The Condition of the Working Class in England, page 43, regarding the textile industry after the invention of the spinning jenny: “The demand for woven goods, already increasing, rose yet more in consequence of the cheapness of these goods, which cheapness, in turn, was the outcome of the diminished cost of producing the yarn.”
The difference in days being that they are the two things I relentlessly toggle back and forth from: the insanity of modernity and how the hell we ended up at this point to begin with. The following photo I took early one morning in a Starbucks in the Cannon Street train station in London
There’s something about the tiny me in the corner, the morning commute of Cannon Street and the sterility of Starbucks that struck me as an almost perfect representation of life in an urban commercial environment. At no one point are you left with just one thing to think about (as I have been in this office with no windows and for the moment, no foot traffic), as like the photo, things keep adhering themselves together in the most likely (and sometimes most interesting) manner.
Lately I’ve been trying to recreate the same visual cacophony in a much more rural setting, which has been a bit more difficult. How do you think modernity represents itself in rural environments?
p.s. Steal This Sweater is my new internet crush.
my mother was talking about how, as a small child, she and her brother doubled on a bike for hours down finnish dirt roads to be awed with the rest of the village children by snow white. or sleeping beauty. she wondered what will awe my daughter, since there are no fantastic audio viual feats that will not seem commonplace to her. i think growing up in the information age has lead me back to a marvel and fascination in normal ordinary beautiful things. like the blue sky, or the ocean.
which probably doesn’t answer your question..