The other week I was flattered to have both a reporter and a photographer come to my house for an article for the News & Observer, my local paper. To read the article, you can either click here or click on the photo above.
I really like this article because it talks about how much I’ve failed over the years. Not failed in a pathetic way, but failed in a “I know I’m put here to do something and I’m going to find it” way. I’ve screwed up so many things along the way it’s laughable, and in time I’ve learned that all those screw-ups weren’t really screw-ups after all, just lessons to be learned.
Over the years I’ve learned to ask questions, explore new things, breathe deep, laugh at myself, apologize when necessary, pack a suitcase in 5 minutes and how to channel both MacGyver and Martha Stewart when something breaks. Time has taught me that challenging yourself and your ideals is the only way to truly move forward.
So, today I thought I’d link a few stories of late regarding people who have used their knitting for good, whether charitable, entrepreneurial or just plain fun.
School Kids Knit for Teddies for Tragedies
Designer Uses Her Flock’s Fleece for Clothing
Women Create Village With Knitting Needles & Yarn
Brain Exercises (Like Knitting!) May Delay Memory Loss
Menno Boldt knits for good, in his Lazy Boy, watching sports
Girl Scout troop makes 130 hats and scarves for local cancer patients
Madison Senior Center knitters in Huntsville, Alabama knit for preemies
Edmonton group (minkhasweaters.com) sells handmade Bolivian sweaters
Warm Heads, Warm Hands, Warm Hearts: Helping Nepal family earn a real living
I have no idea why the link spacing is so weird today. Oh, and wondering why my eyes are closed in one of the article’s photos? Well, let’s just say that’s pretty much the state of every photo people take of me!
What a super article and gave me a great insight into how you came to this point. congrats on the press.
Betsy, you amaze me. Congrats on the article, you deserve all the attention you get.