So a certain software update from a certain fruit-named company has wiped out the operating system on my computer, meaning that I’m computerless until I can archive the files and locate the install disks. Not having access to the files on your computer really makes you realize a) how important backing up your files are (yes, they’re backed up) and b) how frustrating it is not to have instant access to everything. Now, please.
It’s a good thing I have a lot of reading to do, as it’s given me a little bit of extra time to catch up on my reading, although somewhat by force…Over the past few days, I have been loving the style, photos and text of Handmade Nation!
It arrived on my doorstep last week and was the loveliest of things to come home to after a long week of traveling! I’m so happy to have an essay in this book, and keep flipping through just to read different artist’s profiles. So inspiring!
And if you can’t wait to purchase the book to see what Handmade Nation is all about, you can check out the trailer for the upcoming documentary of the same name here, which is amazing! The trailer is animated, leaving me gobsmacked at all the production it must have entailed. Wow!
Also on the reading list?
Neo Craft
The Object of Labor (Which I discovered via Heather)
World Textiles: A Visual Guide to Traditional Techniques
Finding Flow: The Psychology of Engagement with Everyday Life
What’s on the top of your bookshelf lately?