a little bit of this and a little bit of that, but no popemobile…

There have been things on the news lately about Dubya’s state visit to London. Apparently, his people want to be able to shut down the whole of London so he will be safe and driven around in what I can only guess is the Presidential version of the Popemobile. I was actively looking for a photograph of the Popemobile, when I went to a CNN link, and saw this: U.S. operation under way in Baghdad, Pentagon sources say. Dozens of explosions heard. Details soon..

Which destroyed my jovial mood entirely.

All this talk of activism lately is a good thing. But it’s easy to see how activism gets a bad rap when Spiderman stops London traffic in the name of protest. I was one of the very annoyed people who had to be diverted because he was running around on a scaffold.

In my heart, I think that activism should be a positive thing, not a headache induced by a man in a Spiderman costume with a banner. I believe that while it may take a bit longer, I can do my part to change the world by continuing to make things for the less fortunate, cut down on my own personal materialism and try each day to make a difference in this world rather than hiding under the covers.

But having said that, there is a time and a place for banner waving and making your voice heard- to me, it’s all about knowing when to pick your battles. And if you’re interested in making that choice, please go see these links.

change in vocabularies…

Been wondering today about the roots of both craft and activism. The way that craft has been brought from home into the public sphere (as directly in relation to the old adages of feminism being trampled) and activism has been brought into the home sphere via the public (by making our own things we are being activists). And the way that the repercussions of such moves are instigating a PR change for two very stigmatized words.

Baby, I’m not a fan of PR, but it was about damn time for an overhaul.


As I wade through all the things I’ve collected over the past year, I’m reminded of how easy it is just to accumulate stuff. And how I probably have more things in this one tiny room than several families combined in some parts of Africa and India. It’s amazing.

The majority of it is either stuff I’ve thrifted or made or stuff that I hope to one day make grand things out of, like fake fur wristbands or sock monkeys.

I’m separating piles to return to the thrift store (mostly polyester), piles to go to friends (mostly extra craft supplies), piles to throw away/recycle (mostly stuff from work) and piles for storage (mostly pictures).

And thinking about how every time someone makes something or buys something secondhand they are fighting against excess materialism, and therefore participating in a form of activism.

Activism, much like feminism, has been given a bad reputation over the years; but I firmly believe that it goes far beyond picket lines and reaches into your everyday life.

Recently I pointed out to my parents that they were activists because they are members of various committees and boards that work for change. They recoiled for a moment, as I tried to stress that “activism” (to me, at least) is apparent everywhere you put passion into making this world even a little bit better.

I like that. Who knows, maybe you do, too.