The Presents and The Past.

Lately, we’ve been all about presents around here. Presents for new puppies, new babies and old birthdays. I’ve been monopolizing a lot of time with my new main man, Ari, who is just over 8 weeks.

I was also extremely lucky to spend time with a genealogy book my grandmother made that goes back to the 1600s! So, along with new things, I’ve been hanging out with a few old things, too.

It’s amazing what new projects and ideas you can spark by changing your focus, even if for only a few minutes. Playing with Ari in the backyard, watching him play with his favorite toy (a giant warthog!) makes me think about being a little kid and how everything was new and exciting and things like stairs are the coolest thing ever. And these old photos have reminded me of histories and stories and fancy dresses and new discoveries in the world that must have delighted my family members on a regular basis.

What can inspire you that you might be overlooking? What does inspire you? I also have a new reading list of some amazing historical and textile things, but it will have to wait til later, my grandmother, lunch and new (yet old) stories await.