The Power of We (Manifesto)


We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop. -Mother Theresa

The power of we is important because it includes the power of me, you, and them.

The power of we allows us to share our individual goals with others and to act with fearlessness.

The power of we lets us live openly, knowing that somewhere in that we is someone who feels the same as we do.

The power of we allows us to be who we are without compromise.

The power of we lets us know that we are never alone, that we are never just me, solo.

The power of we wraps us up in a blanket of safety where our dreams aren’t crazy or useless or stupid.

The power of we can change the world when we find like-minded people.

The power of we allows us to step forward and act vs. hide in reservation.

The power of we gives us strength to find what makes our heart sing.

The power of we holds us when we think that me isn’t enough.

The power of we lets us hold on to our personal dreams while also sharing them with others.

The power of we makes us better, happier, stronger people.

The power of we lets us move forward and grow without worrying what is to come.

The power of we takes our wildest dreams and creations and says “Well done!”

The power of we holds our hand when we think we can’t do it.

The power of we is what we forget when it’s dark out and we’re alone. 

The power of we is me + you or me + them or me + you + them.

The power of we is unstoppable.

Climate Change: Crazy Hippie Theory or Reality?

Today is Blog Action Day. This year Blog Action Day is about climate change.

Most of what we hear about climate change is depressing. Really depressing. A lot of people think that climate change is a load of rubbish and completely a liberal rouse. Chances are ridiculously high that you know one of those people, even if you think you don’t, you probably do.

What if instead of thinking about climate change as either an inevitable disaster or something made up by crazy hippies, we thought about climate change as an opportunity to make positive changes in our lives? What if we used all that angry energy used to convince people we’re either right (the end is near) or that we’re not crazy hippies (it is really happening, I swear) we actually started changing things? A much nicer approach, no?

Taking a few leaves from the books of Ed Begley, Jr., or Larry Hagman (He runs the nation’s largest residential solar-powered system!!), I’m going to start being inspired by the change we must make at hand. One person working towards that change is Mark Diacono who runs a climate change farm on the theory that climate change can be done in the positive direction through agriculture. You can learn more about what he’s doing here, the fact that is absolutely adorable* doesn’t hurt either:

I like the way he changes vocabulary, taking it from something negative into something more positive. We have the power. We have the chance. But do we have the will?

Farming Futures
Climate and Farming
Organic farming could stop global climate change
“Greening” agriculture key to fighting climate change

*Yes, but then again, you know I do have a weakness for men who make the world a better place. Farm and Wellington boots? Optional.