Keeping it Local.

While I’ve lived all over the place, and sometimes can’t even remember my own address, since the beginning of 2006 I’ve lived in Carrboro, North Carolina. It’s a teeny tiny mill town adjacent to Chapel Hill, home of the University of North Carolina.

While I tend to have a love/hate relationship with the tinyness, the dial tends to point to “love” most of the time. What other tiny town do you know that has a free bus system, two free newspapers and its own song? It’s the kind of town that my co-worker used to say “where everyone rides bicycles with smiles on their faces and eats granola.” And, well, he’s not too far off.

The photo above is when I was waiting for my segment to come up on “The State of Things” at the WUNC studios in nearby Durham. The other day I had the opportunity to be on Carrboro Bookbeat, which is broadcast on WCOM, the local community radio station! I had loads of fun, and the interview can be downloaded and listened to here. Thanks so much to Audrey and Paul for inviting me on the show, I had a great time!

Another upcoming local event is “Make a Blanket Day” with the local Project Linus chapter on Sunday, February 22! Project Linus is an organization that collects blankets for children in need, so they can have something comforting and familiar when times get rough. It will be held at the IMAX theater on Hargett Street in Raleigh from 12-5pm.

And if you still want even more localness, check out’s blog, started by Michelle Smith!

the sweet sweet end of summer.

The other day my friend Kerri and I had ice cream for dinner at Maple View Farm.

We figured that since when we were kids we used to beg to eat ice cream for dinner, it was only suitable to purposely accomplish this on a hot summer night. As a result? We were treated to a sweet sweet sunset along with ice cream goodness at the tail of summer.

So we ate ice cream, talked about where we thought we’d grow up to be when we were kids, mused over whether we were on track with our 1985 dreams and watched the sun go down until it disappeared. Lovely.

*Hecho a Mano (via Extreme Craft)
*Reading posts on Craft Unbound
*Learning about cool parents who teach schoolkids art
*The coolness of Kayte Terry’s Complete Embellishing
*A clock shaped like the queen for sale at the lovely Oak

*Wishing I could teleport to NYC tonight for Knitting Jam at the Chelsea Art Museum
*Am apparently the last human on earth not to have finished Rob Walker’s Buying In. So good!

Not necessarily sweet, but still awesome: Coming across an mp3 of Pantera’s “Walk”, I’m rocking it old school like its 1993 this evening…
Mp3 found over at Soundtrack to the End of the World via Faythe.