8th Annual Supernaturale Holiday Hat & Scarf Drive!

It’s that time again, time to whip up a scarf or hat for someone in need for SuperNaturale’s 8th annual holiday hat & scarf drive!

From the SuperNaturale website:

For the last seven years Glitter has created a winter hat and scarf drive. We donate these items to Sanctuary for Families. They are an awesome organization dedicated to the safety, healing, and self-sufficiency of battered women and their children. They offer an array of services including shelter, legal assistance, and counseling.

Please join our eighth annual scarf drive. Get your knitting needles and crochet hooks out and knit up some warm, washable hats and scarves to donate to people who need them. Send them in by December 10th, 2009 so we can get them to people in time for the holidays.

Mail to:
c/o Flat
391 Broadway, 3rd Fl
NY NY 10013

So mark yer calendars, whip out those needles and get to knitting!

Big thanks to Tiny Choices for reminding me this year!

The Heart Of Craftivism.

“Knitting is a symbol of many things, knitting together things that have been broken, and our society has been broken… knitting is a symbol of hoping that we can bring some kind of unity.” (from the Northern Ireland video from Shannon Airport below)

This morning I was happy to receive a link to Yoko Ono’s “Revelations”, the version remixed by Cat Power for Ono’s 2007 album Yes, I’m a Witch. The link came in the daily newsletter email I get from Danielle LaPorte over at White Hot Truth. I love how some days just what you needs pops into your inbox like magic.

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot what craftivism is, as I’m collecting photographs over at Documenting Craftivism, a project that right now is a loose collection to help define the term. I’ve also been watching some lovely videos that also speak to the heart of craftivism. I’ve been looking into the work of some larger organizations, (Aid to Artisans, Peace x Peace, Women for Women International to name but a few) but there are also some smaller groups speaking to craft + activism as well.

Some of these videos made me cry in their honesty and sincerity wishes for peace and hope, may you enjoy them as much as I did. I don’t always agree with all of the words and banners, but I always agree with the sentiments. Creativity. Peace. Hope. Love.

Granny Peace Brigade.
Knitting for Peace, Times Square, NYC, March 19, 2008.

The Mother Bear Project.
Showing how easy it is to post knitted donations, an adorable short first time attempt at stop motion!

Help Child Soldiers.
Lovely clip from a women’s knitting circle working on knitted donations.

Knitting for peace at Shannon airport in Northern Ireland January 6, 2009 on Nollaig na mban (Women’s Christmas). There is some really interesting Irish and knitting history in here!

And one from a different side of craftivism: helping the world heal itself. The work of Rwanda Knits. Part of the proceeds from Knitting for Good! went to this charity, as I really love the work they are doing with refugee women.