CODEPINK White House Banner = Done!

Almost a month ago, I wrote about CODEPINK’S call for crochet and knit squares for a Mother’s Day day banner they were going to display in front of the White House.

Below are some of the resulting photos from all those squares sent (I wonder if my squares made it in?), and you can see all of them over here on Flickr. Clicking on each photo below will take you directly to the Flickr set, too.

Job well done, CODEPINK and all of you who sent in squares!

Also keeping me happy lately:
*Rediscovering Jawbreaker
*’s post on Israeli graffiti
*Learning more about living green with The Guide Girls
*Bang on instructions on how to make cold press iced coffee!
*If Charlie Parker Was a Gunslinger, There’d Be a Lot of Dead Copycats
*The refreshing honesty of Havi Brooks and Naomi Dunford (
*Jennifer Worick’s always hilarious blog Things I Want to Punch in the Face
*Kayte Terry’s Craft Stylish post on how to make a beautiful scarf from scraps

Hooray For Moms. And Julia Ward Howe.

The United States observance of Mother’s Day is May 10th. Remember history of Mother’s Day (I had no idea it started as an anti-war day!), that is absolutely beautiful. This Mother’s Day they are having a peace vigil in DC May 9-10, 1pm-1pm. Read more about it over here.

You can read the entire Mother’s Day Proclamation by Julia Ward Howe over here.

After you’ve read the Proclamation and fallen in love with the awesomeness of Julia Ward Howe, you can learn more about her from the following links:
*Julia Ward Howe dot org
*Julia Ward Howe, in Two Volumes, Houghton Mifflin, 1915.
*Open Collections Project, Harvard University
Be sure to check out the links at the bottom for some amazing work, including…
*Women’s Work in American

So when was the last time you hugged your Mother?

Oh, and local folk, I will be doing an event at McIntyre’s in Fearrington Village (Pittsboro) this Sunday, May 3rd, at 2pm! Do come by and say hi!

*I’ve made 6! 2 to go, I need to hurry as they need to be in DC by the 4th!

CODEPINK. Collecting Knitted Squares For Mother’s Day.

CAMPAIGN: CODEPINK is collecting knitted squares for a cozy (see photo above) for the White House fence for Mother’s Day as a protest against war. All war.

WHAT TO MAKE: The squares need to be 4″x4″ and tightly knit, in the stitch of your choice. The donations need to be received by May 4th, as the U.S. observance of Mother’s Day is May 10th this year. If you’re a knitter, then you know that your average swatch takes little time, and so will these squares!

WHO TO CONTACT: If you plan to make squares, please email Janna at CODEPINK with the number of squares you plan to make and in what colors.

WHERE TO SEND: Once completed, the squares can be sent to:
712 5th Street NE
Washington, D.C.

WHY TO SEND: Because war effects everyone. Even if you or your family haven’t been effected personally, someone you know has a brother, sister, aunt, uncle, husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, mother, father, son, daughter, grandfather, grandmother, cousin or best friend who has been effected by war, either directly or indirectly. I come from a military family. I am an ardent supporter of our soldiers and the sacrifices they make for their jobs. I am not, however, always a supporter of our foreign policy. In the future, I’d like nothing more than to raise my children in a world without war. No one, anywhere, should have to make those choices that are sometimes made in conflict. For a list of current ongoing conflicts and the estimated numbers of casualities, see here.

That’s a lot of chairs left empty at the dinner table and thousands fewer hands to hold. Even if you don’t make squares, consider spending some time this Mother’s Day doing something to make this world a little nicer and a little kinder because we need all the help we can get. In honoring the kinder maternal sides of this world, you are also honoring all Mothers, who all bring their children into the world with the greatest love, the fiercest protection, and more hope than they ever thought possible.

Perhaps with enough little kindnesses, we can slowly begin to reduce the numbers of those effected by war by bringing about a few more smiles and discussions, leading to more open communication and if we’re lucky, a little less strife. We can honor all Mothers throughout the world by perpetuating tiny acts of gratitude and kindness that echo those of every Mother. Their dreams, strong wills and sacrifices made worldwide in the name of creating love, hope and peace in the lives of their children are examples of limitless love and open hearts that we all can learn from, remember and pass on.

P.S. I’ve emailed Janna (at the email address linked above) and will be donating 4 pink squares and 4 green.