So, the wonderful Craftivist Collective needs your help in writing their book! I’ve given money to this project and fully support and believe in it, and hope you will, too.
To learn more, check out the video below and their words about the book:
What We Need & What You Get
We need £6,000 to produce a small book of craftivism. It sounds like a lot but we want a high quality beautiful thing people will keep and share. It will
explain the and benefit of craftivism for maker, viewer and reciever
have a gallery of things we’ve done for people to do or be inspired to do their own stuff
and a selection of how-to projects
We’ve got all the contents of the book pretty much sorted, and, in the spirit of Craftivism, are dreaming of putting something out in the world that is beautiful, cherished, shared, and inspires people to do something similar. If you have any suggestions of content and style, send us an email.
Cicada Books, the publishing company, are supporting us, by putting up half of the money. That gives us the chance to grow this little book from the roots up. We want your support, and we would be proud to have your name in a list of Craftivists and supporters at the back of the book. Craftivism is a movement, for anyone to be part of.
Cicada specialise in high-end art, craft, and design books. They create quirky, alternative books that reflect the unique voices of the artists. They’re a perfect fit for our small but ambitious project.
Cicada focuses on collaborations with new and emerging design talents from all over the world. the books have a quirky, alternative edge that reflects the individual voices of the artists and writers involved. Cicada captures the essence of movements and scenes in the artworld that are happening right now.
Cicada Books will then put the book together (we’ve already been dreaming about paper stock!), and distribute into bookshops worldwide with the help of Thames & Hudson Publishers.
The Impact
Currently there are no little accessible introductory books to craftivism.
We want to create something that you can leave next to the toilet, give as a cheap gift to a friend, or pick up at the till of an art bookshop. We want people to be able to make their own project, and think about global issues of justice in while putting something beautiful out there in the world.
In the words of the collective ‘A spoonful of craft helps the activism go down’.
We’d like you to help us administer this rather delightful medicine! :)
To see the full campaign and/or fund the book, go here: