you’re so emo.

i just found out today that someone i love very much is even sicker than we thought.

and it reminded me why i’m still doing this little blog thing and why i’m aiming to make it bigger and better.

because as i’ve said before, every time we make something we are activists.

after i finish my holiday craftivism gifts, i’m planning on making some hats for cancer patients as a way to show my support of people’s struggles. not because it makes me feel like a better person, but because giving back to others and/or the community makes me feel more whole.

because we’ve all lost someone we care about.

and instead of choosing to sit quietly and do nothing this time, i’m going to help them fight it. even if it’s in a small tiny way such as making hats, i refuse to sit still and be silent.

a few notes from the hills…

i am in the mountains right now before the frenzy that is also known as work begins.

my computer is still on its way to me.

when we reunite, not only will there be tears of joy and a new site to build, but there will also be me warring with evil spammers who post comments that are unwarranted. which means a happier me and a happier you.

yay me. yay you.

i have been doing some writing lately which will be up here (and elsewhere!) soon but also have been a busy little bee starting my craftivism projects for the holidays.

this year i’m going to make blankets and hats for preemies. i haven’t figured out where to send them directly (there are a few links on the sidebar that are currently in the running), but as i was a preemie, this is a near and dear thing to my heart.

so for the holidays this year i’m donating two baby blankets and as many hats as two skeins of cute baby yarn will provide. i’m thinking somewhere between 10-15.

you doing anything? *nudge nudge nudge*

placing love and hope.


sometimes living overseas away from the place you grew up in is great, but sometimes not so much. recently i found that someone who means a great deal to me is dying of stomach cancer, and beyond sending letters there is very little i can do for her over here across the ocean.

and then i was doing a little websearch about different ways to donate crafts and handmade things, and i came across this link which has several of the links listed on the right, but many new ones as well.

currently, i’ve been really busy and have been mostly making things for people i have in my life (and for the many new babies that are about to be welcomed into this world!) and not donating things to charity.

i know that one day i’ll have more time (and energy) to donate things that i make to people/animals who really need them, but need to keep in mind that handmaking things for people i care about also constitutes as an act of craftivism as well. because i’m taking time out of my life to put some joy in someone elses, and that’s the kind of activism, i can get behind.

lately i’ve been remembering about all the times i was to busy to do this and to do that, and about all the things i haven’t said or done because i was too scared or stressed or rushed or tired.

and now that someone i love dearly is dying, i find myself knitting everything i make with that little extra bit of love. placing care and hugs and kisses and joy into every single stitch that i produce in the hope that everytime it is worn/used a little bit of love will shine through. because at the end of the day, that’s all there is left.
