You may have noticed that I haven’t updated here in awhile. That’s been due to two things…
1a. Working on some projects not directly related to craftivism, one of them, some communications work with the amazing non-profit seen in the video above, Emerge, which helps young sexually abused girls in Sri Lanka start their own jewelry businesses.
1b. There are other projects I’ve been working on, too, which will surface publicly soon! Yay!
2. Taking some time off the internet entirely, after being told I was misdiagnosed and given medication that made me worse for fifteen years! Although have been knocked a bit back by some allergy problems, have been enjoying finally having the energy to do things once again… some of them for the first time this century. (Krikey!)
While the time off has been pretty great, it’s also reminded me how much finding craft a decade ago has helped me redirect, reshape (and in many ways) rediscover my own life, so will be back on a more regular basis soon. When I started writing about craftivism, this crazy compound notion I came up with in 2003, I had no idea it was going to grow in so many different directions and mean so many different things to so many different people. It’s been so amazing! But it also means reworking what it means to me now in 2011 now that so many other people have found it has meaning in their own lives too. Now that it’s no longer just me touting a rogue idea, but something that has been written about and practiced by people around the world, this time off has been important to really figure out in what direction I need to go to with craftivism now that it’s come into its own.
So, I guess what I’m saying is, I’m still here, and that I’ll be back soon. I just needed some strict time away to refocus on my life outside craft and technology, in order to figure out the best way to go forward within them.